
Friday, January 11, 2019

Gokul Divya Desam, Mathura – Legends

Gokul Divya Desam, Mathura – Legends
Soordasar got relieved of his curse:
The history of Aayarpadi is closely related with Saint & Poet Soordasar and Satyabhama. Satyabhama was feeling lonely in that palace. She wants to see Sri Krishna. But Sri Krishna was not able to come to that palace. At that time, Akroorar came to that palace. He saw the restlessness of Satyabhama he asked the reason for her restlessness. She told that she wants to meet Sri Krishna in one minute, if he doesn’t come in a minute, she will sacrifice her life. She will do whatever he says, like as her name Satyabhama, Akroorar went and search Sri Krishna he could not find him anywhere. The time is running so Akroorar decided to change himself as Sri Krishna and stood in front of Satyabhama. She could not recognize the Akroorar. she started to talk to him in love words.
After this, Akroorar went towards Sri Krishna and told him what had happened. On hearing this, Sri Krishna got angry on him and shouted at him that he has imitated as the Lord (Paramathma) and has committed a very bad sin and that is his eyes saw Satyabhama in a different way. so, Sri Krishna gave him a curse that in the next birth he will be born as a blind person and Satyabhama as an ordinary working person. But, at the same time, he said once they get the Gnana, their Sabha will be clear. In the next birth, he born as Soordasar. Inspite of being blind only in vision, his Gnana was so bright and he always praised the Lord through his songs and finally he got the relived from the curse through Sri Krishna.
Lord Krishna along with his consorts Rukmini and Deivanai in standing posture:
In the life of a person, there are two main relationships that will continue and end till our lives. One is the mother and the next is the wife. For Sri Krishnar, there are two mothers, Devaki who gave him the birth and the other one is Yasodha who helped him to grow and lead his life. Like how he got two mothers, he got two wives also. One is Rukmini and the other one is Satyabhama. Thus, Sri Krishnar gives importance to both of his mothers and his two wives. To explain this, this sthalaperumal Nava Mohana Krishnan gives his darshan along with his two wives, Rukmini and Satyabhama in standing posture.
Nappinai cult of Tamil Nadu:
Lord Krishna, spent his childhood days in Gokul dances over the subdued Kaliya Nag in river Yamuna, while seen on the banks are people of Gokul, Krishna's father Nanda Baba and his brother Balarama. The Aichar Kuruvai chapter describes the event. The association of Nappinnai, the beloved shepherd girl with Krishna is peculiar to Tamil tradition like the huntress Valli with Lord Muruga. According to some scholars, the Radha cult of later times was close to the ancient Nappinai cult of Tamil Nadu.


  1. Thanks allot.Pranams for your detailed text.Surely you will get SriKrishna's blessings.Hare Sri Krishna.

    1. Thanks a lot sir. Your appreciation means a lot to us. Keep supporting our blogs.
