
Thursday, January 10, 2019

Krishna Janmasthan Temple Complex, Mathura – Legends

Krishna Janmasthan Temple Complex, Mathura – Legends
Annihilation of Lavana:
Once, when Sri Ramar was ruling the country, rishis like Shravana, Bhargava Maharishi and all other rishis complained to Sri Rama that a demon, named Lavana, was giving them problems and because of this they could not do penance towards Lord Vishnu. So, they all asked Sri Rama that he should put an end to it. As a result, Sri Rama gave his great bow, which helped him to kill Mathu and Kaidaba to his younger brother Shatrughna.
Getting the bow and the blessings from Sri Rama, Shatrughna fought hardly with the demon, Lavana and finally killed him using the bow given by Sri Rama. Thus, the Mathu town was saved from Lavana and all the Rishis and Devas thanked him and they asked him what he wants as a boon for killing Lavana.
Shatrughna asked that the Mathu town should become a very big empire, with great warriors, lots of beautiful temples and lots of Vishnu Devotees. As requested by him, the Mathu town was blessed by Devas and Rishis and from then, Shatrughna ruled the Mathura Nagar and lots of temples were raised on the banks of Yamuna river. After Shatrughna, his generations ruled and after this, Mathura was ruled by Yadavas (Vasudeva).
Divyadesams associated with Lord Krishna:
The 3 Divyadesams namely Mathura, Gokul and Dwaraka are connected with the Sri Krishna Avathara, one among the 10 Avathars of Sri Vishnu.
Mukthi Sthalams:
Mathura is considered to one among 7 mukthi Sthalams. The other mukthi Sthalams are Avanti, Ayodhya, Dwaraka, Maya, Kanchipuram and Kasi.
Demon named Mathu was killed in this place. Hence the place was called as Mathura.

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