
Sunday, July 14, 2019

Varadaraja Swamy Temple, Kanipakam, Andhra Pradesh

Varadaraja Swamy Temple, Kanipakam, Andhra Pradesh
Varadaraja Swamy Temple is a Hindu Temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu located in Kanipakam Village near Chittoor City in Andhra Pradesh, India. The Temple is situated very close to Kanipakam Vinayagar Temple.

The temple was constructed in the early 11th century CE by the Chola Emperor Kulothunga Chola I and was expanded further in 1336 by the Kings of Vijayanagara dynasty.

The Temple
The temple faces east and is surrounded by a prakara wall. The entrance into the temple is through a gopura in the east. On plan, the temple consists of garbhagriha, antarala, Muhamandapam and Mahamandapam. The Garuda Shrine is situated in front of the Mahamandapam. Behind this shrine are the Balipitha and dhvajastambha. The main shrine of Varadaraja faces east and contains garbhagriha and antarala. The adhisthana is of padabandha type. It contains the mouldings of upana, tripatta-kumuda, gala, patta, gala and alingapattika with lotus design.

The outer walls of the garbhagriha contain empty niches which are flanked by pilasters and surmounted by makara torana. Above the walls, the cornice is decorated with simhalalata gables. The vimana above the garbhagriha is of an ekatala type with the series of kuta, panjara and Sala elements. The niches of the griva contain deity figures like Matysavatara on the north, Narasimha on the west, Vamana on the south and Sri Rama on the east.

The griva and sikhara are circular and belong to the vesara order. The garbhagriha houses the stone image of Varadaraja and his consorts Sridevi and Bhoodevi. The Outer Walls of the antarala contain empty niches which are flanked by pilasters. In the interior of the antarala there is an image of Andal. The door jambs are adorned with floral design. The Muhamandapam is rectangular and has four pillars with Chola capitals. In the interior of the mandapa, there is a vedi which contains nine loose stone images of Alvars.

There is a stone image of Vishnu in one corner of the mandapa. The ceiling of the mandapa has the Padmasila. There are Dwarapalakas on either side of the entrance of this mandapa. The Muhamandapam contains sixteen pillars with two square sections and one rectangular block alternating with two octagonal shafts in between. The pillar capitals are in Chola style. The rectangular and square blocks of the pillars are adorned with deity sculptures.

Garuda Shrine is situated to the east of the Mahamandapam. It is a square structure with plain walls. It has an ekatala vimana with circular griva and sikhara. Inside the shrine, Garuda stands in samabhanga with his hands in Anjali pose. The Varadaraja temple, as evidenced by its architectural features, was built during the later Chola period i.e., 12th - 13th Centuries A.D. The loose stone images of alvars, Vishnu and Andal may be dated to 14th - 15th century A.D.
People believe that if newly married couples perform Satyanarayana Vrata in this temple their life will be happy.
For brief details, please refer below link;

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