
Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Chausath Yogini Temple, Morena – Inscriptions

Chausath Yogini Temple, Morena – Inscriptions
Gwalior Archaeology Department’s annual report for year 1942-46 mentions three Sanskrit epigraphs found at this site. None of these have been published with details. The most important inscription is engraved at the outer compound wall and mentions about the construction of the temple. This inscription is damaged and partly obliterated however its main contents can be read satisfactorily. It tells that the temple has been constructed by king Devapala and his queen. It is dated to Vikrama Samvat 1380, corresponding 1323 CE. King Devapala belonged to the Kacchapaghata dynasty and ruled between 1055-1075 CE.
Therefore, this inscription refers to an event in the past, which occurred almost 250 years before when this inscription was engraved. Another inscription is incised on a pillar flanking the entrance to the central shrine records a verse from Surya Stotra and a salutation to one Maharaja Rai Singh. Another verse from the same Stotra is engraved on the natural rock face outside the temple. Another inscription on the rock face consists of an amorous verse. The latest inscription here is in Hindi and dated Vikrama Samvat 1560, corresponding 1503 CE.

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