
Thursday, December 12, 2019

Jwalamukhi Devi Temple, Kangra – Religious Significance

Jwalamukhi Devi Temple, Kangra – Religious Significance
Shakti Peeth:
The shrine is regarded as a Maha Shakti Peetham. It is believed that Sati Devi's tongue fell here. Shakti Peethas are shrines of Devi, the primordial Mother Goddess. Each Shakti Peetha has a shrine for the Shakti and Bhairava. Siddhida (Ambika) is the Shakti and Unmatta Bhairava is the Kala BhairavaDaksha Yaga and Sati's self-immolation had immense significance in shaping the ancient Sanskrit literature and even had impact on the culture of India. It led to the development of the concept of Shakti Peethas and there by strengthening Shaktism. Enormous stories in puranas took the Daksha Yaga as the reason for its origin. It is an important incident in Shaivism resulting in the emergence of Parvati in the place of Sati Devi and making Shiva a grihastashrami (house holder).
Hindu Genealogy Registers:
Hindu genealogy registers at Jwalamukhi are the genealogy registers of pilgrims maintained there by pandas.
Temple Administration:
Earlier, this temple was administered by the descendants of Raja. After Independence, this temple was declared as the site of Cultural Heritage and that time onwards, it is under the management of the Government. There are not less than 102 priests to look after the sermons of the temple and even these priests are paid by the Government. 
Goddess of Flames:
Unlike any other temple, Jwala Ji temple doesn’t have a statue or an image, but a constantly burning blue flame that seems to come from the rocks. The flame can be seen at various places in the temple and it is burning continuously since first date of its known history. Despite many scientific researches, the reason behind these natural flames couldn’t be found out. The scientists say there is a sleeping volcano under Jwala Ji temple and the natural gas coming out of that volcano is burning as flames, which Hindus revere as Goddess.

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