
Thursday, November 18, 2021

Mahadeva Temple, Asirgarh – Legends

Mahadeva Temple, Asirgarh – Legends

As per legend, Ashwathama killed all the sons of Pandavas and even tried to kill unborn son of Abhimanyu, while he was in the womb of the pregnant Uttara in an attempt to end the lineage of the Pandavas in order to avenge the death his father Dronacharya. Lord Krishna curses that until the end of Kali Yuga, he will bear the load of all people’s misdeed on his shoulders. He will roam around alone like a ghost without getting any affection or sympathy. Meanwhile, Lord Krishna goes to the womb of Uttara and on the request of Draupadi and Subhadra saves her child from Brahmastra.

As the child faced a test of life even before being born, Lord Sri Krishna names him Parikshit (Tested one) and later on succeeds Yudhishthira to become king of Hastinapur. Lord Krishna also cuts the divine gem from his forehead. The curse made Ashwathama isolated, and he had to live in complete isolation away from the society. He also suffered from acute diseases that are incurable. This curse is said to continue till the end of Kaliyuga. It is said that Lord Kalki, the tenth avathar of Lord Vishnu will provide relief to his curse during the end of Kali Yuga.

Locals believe that wanders around the Asirgarh Fort since Mahabharata times. It is said that he asks people for turmeric and oil to heal his bleeding forehead. Till date, it is said that anybody, who has seen him has either lost his mental stability or gone mad. People also notice flowers offered to Shiva Linga when they open the door in the mornings. It is believed that Ashwathama first comes to worships Lord Shiva in this temple.

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