
Thursday, November 4, 2021

Nageshvara & Chennakeshava Temple Complex, Mosale – The Temple Complex

Nageshvara & Chennakeshava Temple Complex, Mosale – The Temple Complex

The Temple Complex consists of two separate temples namely Nageswara Temple and Chennakesava Temple. The temples are constructed next to each other and are facing towards east. The Nageshvara temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva is in the south. The Chennakeshava temple, dedicated to the Lord Vishnu, is in the north. Both the temples are identical to each other and are enclosed within the compound wall.

The temples are constructed in ekakutachala style. The temples consist of sanctum, vestibule, navaranga and mukha mandapa. The roof of the navaranga of each shrine is supported by four central lathe turned pillars. The navaranga have devakoshtas, two each in the northern, southern and western walls. The inner and outer walls are profusely decorated, has four central lathe turned pillars that support a bay ceiling.

The sanctum of Chennakesava shrine enshrines a 6 foot tall image of Chennakesava. The image is flanked by his consorts Sridevi and Bhoodevi on the sides below. The lintel of the doorway has the image of Gajalakshmi. The sanctum of Nageshwara shrine enshrines a Shiva Linga. The lintel of the doorway has the image of Lord Shiva & Parvati with their mount Nandi and Chauri bearers.

The superstructure (shikhara) over each shrine is three tiered and vesara in style. The superstructure at the top of the shrine is a helmet like sculptured dome (amalaka) with ground surface area of about 2 sq. metres. It is the largest piece of sculpture in the temple. The amalaka supports a decorative water pot like structure called the kalasha which is the apex of the tower. The vestibule has a superstructure called sukhanasi.

It looks like a shorter extension of the main tower. The sukanasi is a tier lower than the main tower over the shrine. The Hoysala crest (the sculpture of a legendary warrior Sala fighting a lion) is mounted on top of the sukanasi of each shrine. The superstructure over the sanctum and the vestibule are intact and highly decorative. The mahanasa of Nageswara temple has Thandaveswara under kirtimukha torana.

The mahanasa of Chennakeshava temple has a relief of Vishnu. There is only one eaves that projects about half a meter runs all around the temple where the main tower meet the wall of the shrine. There are decorative miniature towers (aedicula) on pilasters below the eaves. The panel images of deities and their attendants are placed below these decorative towers.

Lakshmi, Gauri, Maheshwari, Brahma, Sadashiva, Sridevi Chitradhara and Bhudevi are some of the prominent images at Nageshwara Temple. The panel images at the Nageshvara temple have their names on their pedestals. Garuda, Keshava, Janardana, Venugopala, Sridevi, Bhudevi, Aniruddha, Madhava, Sankarshana and  Chamaradharini are some of the prominent images at Chennakesava Temple.

The base of the wall of teach shrine comprises of five different horizontal moldings below these images. There is a carving of Goddess Durga on the external ceiling of the Nageshwara Temple. It is interesting to note that Goddess Durga appears to be looking at you irrespective of the direction from where you are viewing.

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