
Friday, December 10, 2021

Chandrasekhara Mahadeva Temple, Kapilash – The Temple

Chandrasekhara Mahadeva Temple, Kapilash – The Temple

The temple is situated in the middle terrace of the Kapilash hillock at a height of about 2239 feet from sea level. Devotees need to climb 1352 steps or ghat road from the foot hill to reach this temple. This temple is facing towards south east. The temple consists of a rekha vimana, a pidha jagamohana and a mukti mandapa. The temple is pancharatha on plan and panchangabada in elevation. The vimana and jagamohana are square on plan and stands over a three moulded pista.

The sanctum enshrines the presiding deity, Chandrasekhara, in the form of Patalphuta Shiva Linga within a circular yonipitha. The vimana is about 60 feet tall. Nisha shrines are added over the three parsvadevta niches. The exterior is decorated with architectural motifs such as khakharamundis and pidhamundis in the talajangha and uparajangha respectively of both the vimana and jagamohana and the niches enshrined dikpalas and their consorts in the kanika pagas and nayikas in the anuratha pagas.

The recess of the pagas are adorned with gaja-vidalas, nayikas in different form such as darpana, salabhanjika, chamaradhari etc. and royal figures. The other motifs are elephant rider, horse rider, birds, bharabahakas and naga-nagi pilasters in the ganthiala junction etc. Miniature rekhamundis are found on the base of the gandi on each pagas. The central raha has three rekhamundis, udyotasimha and kirtimukha. Dopichhasimhas and four forms of Shiva are found over the beki.

The ceiling of the mukti mandapa is decorated with Krisnalila scenes, dasavathara of Vishnu, gaja-vidalas, lotus design etc. Patita Pavana Jagannath is installed in the temple as the Parsvadevta. There is a shrine for Lord Vishwanath in the temple premises. It is said that this shrine is considered older than the Chandrasekhara Temple. Hence, Lord Shiva of this shrine is also known as Budha Linga. There are some monasteries in the premises.

Images of Ganesa, Kartikeya, Gangadevi, Kaumari & Uma Mahesvara, Kalasa and architectural fragment can be seen in the temple premises. Payamrta Kunda is situated to the left side of the temple while the Marichi Kunda is situated to the right side of the temple. The Kapilash hill has several caves and ruins of a mediaeval fort. Few of the caves are associated with puranic legends. The deer park and Science park are the other attractions located in Kapilash.

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