
Friday, December 10, 2021

Jalesvara Temple, Kalarahanga – The Temple

Jalesvara Temple, Kalarahanga – The Temple

 This temple is facing towards east. The temple consists of a rekha vimana, an antrala, a pidha jagamohana and a detached nata mandapa. The temple is pancharatha on plan and panchanga bada in elevation. The vimana and jagamohana are square on plan. The sukanasa above the antarala is designed after a khakhara mundi, which is flanked by two miniature rekha vimana. There is a chaitya motif flanked by two conches and crowned by a kirtimukha which is surmounted by a gajakranta above the sukanasa.

The doorjambs has four vertical bands of decoration. Dvarapalas and river goddesses Ganga & Yamuna can be seen at the base of the doorjambs on either side. The lalatabimba houses images of Saraswathi and Ganesha within a pidha mundi niche. The architrave of the doorjamb is carved with the Navagrahas. The sanctum enshrines the presiding deity, Jalesvara, in the form of Shiva Linga within a circular yonipitha. The raha niches enshrines the images of Ganesha in the south, Kartikeya in the east and Mahisasuramardini in the north.

The jangha portion is profusely carved with pidha mundi, khakhara mundi, rekha mundi and vajra mundi. The base of the gandi is decorated with a series of miniature rekha deul as angasikharas. Sculptures of gaja vidala, female figure with simha head, female figure on lotus pedestal, male dancing figure, female drummer, makara torana flanked by flying vidyadharas, five bulls, gajakranta, amorous couple, nayikas and Salabhanjika can be seen in the temple premises.

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