
Friday, December 10, 2021

Kharakhia Vaidyanatha Temple Complex, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Kharakhia Vaidyanatha Temple Complex, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Kharakhia Vaidyanatha Temple Complex is a Hindu Temple Complex dedicated to Lord Shiva located in Bhubaneswar, the state capital of Odisha, India. The temple is under the care and maintenance of Babulal Makaddam Badu Mohapatra. The temples stands on the private property owned by him. The temples were repaired by Orissa State Archaeology under X and XI Finance Commission Award. The temple complex is located at about 500 metres to the south east of the Lingaraja temple.

The Temple Complex

Kharakhia Vaidyanatha temple is the principle shrine in the Kharakhia Vaidyanatha temple complex. The temple was constructed in 13th century CE by the Gangas. This temple enshrines the presiding deity, Kharakhia Vaidyanatha, in the form of Shiva Linga within a large circular Yonipitha. The Linga rests over a platform and is placed beneath a Peepal tree. It is so named because it is open to the sky with the sun rays (khara) falling directly over it throughout the day (Kharakhia). There are no traces of the structure once housed the Linga. There is a well in the center of the Kharakhia Vaidyanatha temple complex.

Devasabha Temple:

The temple is located in the south western corner of the Kharakhia temple complex. The temple was constructed in 14th century CE by the Gangas. As per legend, the temple is considered as the meeting place of all gods and goddesses of the Kharakhia Vaidyanath temple complex. Hence, the temple came to be called as Devasabha. This temple is facing towards east and stands over a low raised platform.

The temple consists of a rekha vimana and a frontal porch. The temple is pancharatha on plan and panchangabada in elevation. The sanctum is square on plan. There is no deity inside the sanctum. The doorjamb has two plain vertical bands. The right-side doorjamb is partially broken. The exterior is devoid of decoration. The parsvadevta niches are located in the talajangha of raha pagas on the three sides.

Markandesvara Temple:

The temple is located within the Kharakhia temple complex. The temple was constructed in 10th century CE by the Somavamsis. This temple is a private property. The temple is not under the worship. The temple is pancharatha on plan and triangabada in elevation. This temple is facing towards east. The temple consists of a rekha vimana and a pidha jagamohana.

The vimana is square on plan whereas the jagamohana is rectangular on plan. The sanctum enshrines the presiding deity, Markandesvara, in the form of Shiva Linga within a circular yonipitha.  The doorjambs are decorated with three vertical bands with khakharamundis at the base. A pidhamundi is found at the lalatabimba of the vimana.

Neelakantha Temple:

The temple is located within the Kharakhia temple complex. The temple was constructed in 11th century CE by the Somavamsis. This temple is a private property. This temple is facing towards west. The temple consists of a rekha vimana and a pidha jagamohana. Both Vimana and Jagamohana are square on plan. Both the vimana and jagamohana are pancharatha on plan and Panchangabada in elevation.

The sanctum enshrines the presiding deity, Neelakantha, in the form of Shiva Linga within a square yonipitha. The doorjambs of the temple has three bands of decorations. The dvarapalas can be seen at the base of the doorjambs. Gajalakshmi can be seen in the lalatabimba. The architrave of the lintel is carved with Navagrahas.

The parsvadevta niches are located on the raha paga of the talajangha on the three sides of east, north and south. The eastern niche enshrines Kartikeya, northern niche enshrines Parvati and the southern niche is empty. Bhootha Ganas and Naga Pillar can be seen near the eastern wall of the temple.

Somesvara Temple:

The temple is located within the Kharakhia temple complex. The temple was constructed in 10th century CE by the Somavamsis. This temple is a private property. This temple is facing towards west. The temple consists of a rekha vimana and a pidha jagamohana. The vimana and jagamohana are square on plan. Both the vimana and jagamohana are pancharatha on plan and triangabada in elevation.

The sanctum enshrines the presiding deity, Somesvara, in the form of Shiva Linga within a yonipitha. The doorjambs of vimana and jagamohana are decorated with three plain vertical bands. Dvarapalas can be seen at the base of the doorjambs. The architrave above the doorjamb is carved with the Navagrahas. Gajalakshmi can be seen in the lalatabimba.

The parsvadevta niches are located on the raha paga of the jangha on the three sides of north, south and east. All the niches are empty except the northern niche enshrining an image of Parvati with broken hands. The exterior of the temple is devoid of decorations except talagarbhika beneath the raha niche and a Gajakranta motif on the western rahapaga.


Shivarathri, Sankranti and Mahavishuba Sankranti are the festivals celebrated here.


For brief details, please refer below link;


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