
Sunday, January 9, 2022

Galteshwar Temple, Sarnal – The Temple

Galteshwar Temple, Sarnal – The Temple

This temple is facing towards east and follows bhumija style of architecture. The temple consists of sanctum, antrala and sabha mandapa. The sabha mandapa is octagonal on plan. The roof of the mandapa is supported by eight inner pillars and sixteen outer smaller pillars. The smaller pillars have the smaller shaft, capital, and the brackets. The inner pillars have a square base with cut corners followed by two small necks.

It is followed by the square shaft for the one-third height of the pillar, then octagonal for the half of the height of the pillar, then smaller sixteen-sided shaft and then a circular shaft decorated with a band of the kirtimukhas. It is crowned by the capital with dripping leaves ornamentation separated from the shaft by the narrow neck. The brackets have dwarfs and the kirtimukhas.

The sub-capital is vase shaped and the brackets is ornamented with dwarfs and volutes. They do not have padmashila carving. The eight-sided mandapa has several projecting angles similar to Chaulukya temples in Gujarat like the sun temple of ModheraSomnath temple and Sejakpur temple. The mandapa is in the crucifix form. It has three bhujas instead of usual two bhujas in the rear part.

The sanctum is square on plan and is situated at lower level to the mandapa. The sanctum doorway is profusely ornamented with rupa stambhas of Abu style. The superstructure over the sanctum and mandapa were collapsed in 1908. The shikara over the sanctum follows bhumija style of architecture with Chaulukya influence. The sanctum is circular in shape from outside with a diameter of 24 feet with numerous projections and recesses.

The recesses have seven niches with the images of dikpalas, the guardian deities of the eight directions. The front wall of the shrine proper is carved with ornamentation and figures which include different forms of Shiva which are now badly mutilated. The figures and carvings include gandharvas, ascetics, horse riders, elephant riders, chariots, palanquins and the events of life, from birth to death.

1 comment:

  1. the temple being constructed by bhagvan vishvakarma
