
Saturday, June 11, 2022

Neelkanth Temple, Kalinjar – The Temple

Neelkanth Temple, Kalinjar – The Temple

This temple is situated in the middle of the Kalinjar fort. The fort is situated atop an isolated rocky hill at a height of about 1,203 ft above the sea level, overlooking the Bundelkhand plains. The temple consists of rock cut sanctum and sixteen pillared mandapa. The cave sanctum is dated to Gupta period while the mandapa can be ascribed to Chandelas. The mandapa is octagonal in plan. The roof over the mandapa is completely lost and is open to sky but the pillars with its capital still exits.

The pillars are carved with intricate sculptures. The doorjambs of the sanctum are carved with images of Shiva & Parvati with the river goddesses Ganga & Yamuna. The sanctum enshrines the presiding deity, Neelkanth, in the form of Shiva Linga. The Linga is made of a dark blue stone. The Linga is about 1.15 metres height and has three eyes. There is a natural water source situated above the temple.

The water from this source never dries up even there is drought or famine in this region. The water droplets from the source continually drips on the Linga and keeps the throat portion of the Linga always wet. There is a deep rock cut reservoir namely Swarga Rohana, situated Just outside the temple. There is a colossal sculpture of Kal Bhairav carved on the rock surface can be seen on right side of the temple. The image is about 24 feet high and 17 feet wide.

He is 18 armed and garlanded by skulls. He is ornamented with snakes earrings and snakes armlets. Sculptures of various forms of Lord Shiva, Parvati, Ganesha, Hanuman and various deities from Hindu pantheon are carved on the rock surface on the way to the temple. There are several inscriptions on the pillars and walls of the temple of which an inscription of Chandel ruler Madan Verma of 12th century CE is very significant.

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