
Friday, July 29, 2022

Ashta Shambhu Temple, Kualo – The Temple Complex

Ashta Shambhu Temple, Kualo – The Temple Complex

The temple complex consists of Kanakesvara Panchayatana Temple with its subsidiary shrines dedicated to Baidyanath (north-west) Paschimesvara (south-west), Kapilesvara (north-east) & Balukesvara (south-east) and Svapnesvara Temple, Baneswar Temple & Siddheshwar Temple.

 Kanakesvara Temple:

This temple follows Panchayatana style of architecture. Panchayatana is an architectural style where the main shrine is built on a raised platform with four smaller subsidiary shrines at the four corners and making it a total of five shrines. This temple is the central shrine of the Panchayatana temple complex. All the subsidiary shrines have been collapsed and exists in dilapidated condition. This temple is facing towards east and stands over a raised platform. The temple is triratha on plan and triangabada on elevation. The temple consists of rekha vimana and a pillared jagamohana.

The jagamohana is completely lost. The vimana is square on plan whereas the jagamohana is rectangular on plan. The sanctum enshrines the presiding deity Kanakesvara in the form of Shiva Linga within circular yonipitha. The shikara lost its architectural and the core stones are only visible. The exterior of the temple is decorated with images of Ardhanariswara, Parvati, Mahisasura Mardini, Ganesha, Bhairava, chaitya medallions, vajramundi, elephant friezes, lion, amorous couple and scroll works.

Kapilesvara Temple:

This temple is situated on the north eastern corner of the Ashta Shambu Temple Complex. This temple is one of the subsidiary shrines of Kanakesvara Panchayatana Temple. This temple is facing towards south and in a dilapidated condition. The temple is triratha on plan and triangabada in elevation. The temple consists of rekha deula and a shallow frontal porch. The sanctum is square on plan. The sanctum enshrines the presiding deity, Kapilesvara in the form of Shiva Linga within a square broken yonipitha. The exterior of the temple is decorated with scroll work, chaitya medallion, nayikas, divinities etc.

Baidyanatha Temple:

This temple is situated on the north western corner of the Ashta Shambu Temple Complex. This temple is one of the subsidiary shrines of Kanakesvara Panchayatana Temple. This temple is facing towards south. The temple is triratha on plan and triangabada in elevation. The temple consists of rekha deula and a shallow frontal porch. The sanctum is square on plan. The sanctum enshrines the presiding deity, Baidyanatha in the form of Shiva Linga within a square broken yonipitha. The exterior of the temple is decorated with vajramundi niche enshrining Ardhanarisvara, chaitya medallion, scroll work, ghatapallava design, animal elephants, lions, horses, amorous couple and deulacharinis.  

Balukesvara Temple:

This temple is situated on the south eastern corner of the Ashta Shambu Temple Complex. This temple is one of the subsidiary shrines of Kanakesvara Panchayatana Temple. This temple is facing towards north and in dilapidated condition. The temple is triratha on plan and triangabada in elevation. The temple consists of rekha deula and a shallow frontal porch. The sanctum is square on plan.  The sanctum enshrines the presiding deity, Balukesvara in the form of Shiva Linga within a square yonipitha. The exterior of the temple is decorated with images of Ganesha, Mahishasura Mardhini, scroll works, lotus medallion, hanging pendants, purnaghata, navagraha panel, elephant and lion motif.

Paschimesvara Temple:

This temple is situated on the south western corner of the Ashta Shambu Temple Complex. This temple is one of the subsidiary shrines of Kanakesvara Panchayatana Temple. The temple is facing towards north and in dilapidated condition. The temple is triratha on plan. The temple above the pabhaga moulding is missing. It is a rekha temple. The sanctum is square on plan.  The sanctum enshrines the presiding deity, Paschimesvara in the form of Shiva Linga within a circular yonipitha.

Svapnesvara Temple:

This temple is located within the Ashta Shambu Temple Complex. This temple is facing towards south. The temple is triratha on plan and the pabhaga portion is buried. The temple consists of rekha deula and an open rectangular pillared platform of latter addition. The sanctum is square on plan.  The sanctum enshrines the presiding deity, Svapnesvara in the form of Shiva Linga within a circular yonipitha. The temple is devoid of any decorations.

Kanakadurga Temple:

This temple is located within the Ashta Shambu Temple Complex. This temple is facing towards west and is a modern structure. The temple consists of sanctum and open rectangular pillared platform. The sanctum is square on plan. The sanctum enshrines an image of ten armed Mahisasura Mardini. She is locally called as Kanakadurga. The iconographical features of the sculpture ascribe its antiquity to 9th century CE.

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