
Friday, December 23, 2022

Lakshmi Narasimha Temple, Bhadravati – Legends

Lakshmi Narasimha Temple, Bhadravati – Legends

Lord Rama got relief from his sin of killing Vali here:

As per legend, Lord Rama used go around Ayodhya in disguise to ascertain the welfare of his people in his kingdom. During such visit, he noticed his shadow appeared in two forms. One as a Vanara (monkey) and the other as a human. Shocked by the unusual phenomenon, he sought the reason for this phenomenon. Finally, he found that the twin shadows were caused due to his killing of Vanara king Vali. As he killed Vali by hiding behind a tree, he was cursed by Vali. To get relief from this curse, Lord Rama was advised to go to the sacred Tungabhadra river and install the Ishwara Lingam in Vankipura. As advised, Lord Rama did and got relief from his sin.

Formation of Tunga and Bhadra rivers:

As per legend, Lord Vishnu in his Varaha avatar rescued Bhudevi, the goddess earth who was held captive under the sea by demon Hiranyaksha. When Varaha lifted earth with his two tusks, river Tunga and Bhadra were formed.

Arjuna got relief from his sin of killing his relatives in Mahabharata war:

As per legend, Arjuna asked Lord Krishna to provide a solution for getting relief from the sin for killing his own kith and kin in the Mahabharata war. Lord Krishna suggested him that the mere darshan of Lord Lakshmi Narasimha of Vankipura would enable him to get rid of his sins. As suggested by Lord Krishna, Arjuna came here, had darshan and got relief from his sins.


As per legend, Sage Vanki had performed penance on Lakshmi Narasimha here for several years. Hence, the place came to be called as Vankipura.

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