
Monday, February 27, 2023

Mallikarjuna Temple, Kuruvatti – The Temple

Mallikarjuna Temple, Kuruvatti – The Temple

This temple is facing towards east. The temple consists of sanctum, antrala and mandapa with three entrances. The northern and southern entrances are provided with porches while the eastern entrance is provided with a modern mandapa enshrining the Nandi. The eastern doorway of the mandapa is the most elaborate among others and is noted for its exquisite bracket figures (Madanikas) adorning the entrance. The doorjambs has six bands of decoration. The dedicatory block of the lintel of the doorway has an image of Gaja Lakshmi.

An image of Western Chalukyan King Someshvara I with his consorts can be seen in the southern porch. The central ceiling of the mandapa is supported by four pillars. The pillars have square bases and each face of the square base is carved with images of Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, Surya, Bhairavi, Ganesha, Kali, Sarasvati and a saint enshrined inside a nagara shrine. Images of Surya with a serpent canopy and Ganesha can be seen in the mandapa. The antrala has a free standing torana supported on two pillars.

The niches formed by loops emerging from makaras has an image of Shiva at the center flanked by Brahma and Vishnu on his either sides. Images of Bhairava, Shiva, devotees, couple and ladies can be seen in the antrala. The sanctum is square on plan. The sanctum enshrines the presiding deity, Mallikarjuna Swamy in the form of Shiva Linga. The doorjambs of the sanctum has five bands of decoration. The base of the doorjamb has dvarapalas.

The exterior of the sanctum has three niches in three directions. The southern niche enshrines a damaged image of Bhairava, western niche enshrines a damaged image of Nataraja and norther niche enshrines an image of Ugra Narasimha. The tower over the sanctum is crowned with kalasa on top and is of five tiers. The vestibule has a superstructure called sukhanasi. It looks like a shorter extension of the main tower. The exterior of the temple are decorated with miniature shrines, pilasters and toranas.

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