
Thursday, March 2, 2023

Jagannatha Temple, Khandapadagarh – The Temple Complex

Jagannatha Temple, Khandapadagarh – The Temple Complex

The temple is facing towards east and stands over a raised platform. The temple is pancharatha on plan and panchangabada in elevation. The temple consists of rekha vimana, pidha jagamohana and pidha natamandapa. The vimana, jagamohana and natamandapa are square on plan. The vimana is attached with nisha shrines over the parsvadevata niches. The nisha shrines are of pidha order having similar components and decorative elements like the main temple. The sanctum enshrines a wooden image of Lord Jagannatha over a high platform.

Trivikrama, Varaha and Narasimha are the idols enshrined in the parsvadevta niches located around the sanctum walls. The exterior is decorated with images of Hindu deities, nayikas, vidalas, erotic scenes and architectural motifs like miniature rekha angasikhara, khakhara & pidhamundi. The interior wall of the jagamohana and natamandapa have few recent paintings  depicting the Kanchibhijana, Krisnalila scenes etc.

Narayana Shrine:

This shrine is situated to the north of the main shrine within the temple complex. The shrine was built in the early part of 20th century during the rule of former princely state of Khandapadagarh. The shrine is facing towards east and stands over a raised platform. The shrine is pancharatha on plan and panchangabada in elevation. The shrine consists of pidha vimana, antrala and pidha jagamohana. The vimana and jagamohana are square on plan. The jagamohana is provided with an ornamental arches opening one on each side.

The sanctum enshrines an image of four-armed Lord Vishnu on a high pedestal. Varaha on the south, Narasimha on the west and Trivikrama on the north are the idols enshrined in the parsvadevta niches located around the sanctum walls. The exterior is devoid of decoration except the pidhamundi niches over the parsvadevta niches, deulacharinis and dopichhsimhas over the beki and udyota simhas on the top tier of the gandi on each side.

Gopinatha Shrine:

This shrine is situated on the extreme north of the temple complex. The shrine was built in the last part of 19th century during the rule of former princely state of Khandapadagarh. The shrine is facing towards east and stands over a raised platform. The shrine consists of a pidha vimana, pidha jagamohana and a processional path. The vimana and jagamohana are square on plan. The doorjambs are decorated with scroll motif.

The sanctum enshrines the images of Krishna and Radha made of black chlorite. Varaha on the south, Narasimha on the west and Trivikrama on the north are the idols enshrined in the parsvadevta niches located around the sanctum walls. The exterior is devoid of decoration except the pidhamundi niches over the parsvadevta niches, udyota simhas on the top tier of the gandi on each side, gaja-vidalas and nayikas.

Biswanatha Shrine:

This shrine is situated on the south-east corner of the temple complex. The shrine was built in the last part of 19th century during the rule of former princely state of Khandapadagarh. The shrine is facing towards east and stands over a raised platform. The shrine is pancharatha on plan. The shrine consists of a pidha vimana and pidha jagamohana. The vimana is square on plan, whereas the jagamohana is rectangular on plan. The jagamohana has a series of pilaster designs. The sanctum enshrines the presiding deity Biswanatha in the form of Shiva Linga within a circular yonipitha.

There is a circular stone well situated on the north east corner of the temple. The vimana has five horizontal bands and decorated with a number of stucco figures depicting Hanuman, monkey, bull and elephant etc. The erotic images and Dasanana Ravana are the major attraction of the shrine. Udyota simhas can be seen on the top tier of the gandi on each side. The rear wall of the vimana is painted with paintings of Nataraja, Agni, Vayu, Indra, Narada, Brahma, Krishna and dancing nayikas.

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