
Saturday, April 22, 2023

Jagannatha Temple, Behta Bujurg – The Temple

Jagannatha Temple, Behta Bujurg – The Temple

This temple is facing towards east and stands over a 10 feet tall raised platform. The platform is rectangular on plan. The temple measures 100 feet in length and 70 feet in breadth. The temple resembles like a Buddhist stupa. The temple appears like a chariot in the centre with lotus petalled shaped walls on the four corners. The pillar at the right side of the sanctum appears slender, circular and ordinary whereas the left side has intricately carved rectangular pillar in black stone.

The sanctum enshrines a seven-foot-tall image of Jagannatha flanked by Balabhadra and Subhadra. All the images are carved in the same rock. The images of Balabhadra and Subhadra are of two foot tall. The image is surrounded by a decorative structure with carvings of images of the ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu. It is to be noted that the idol stands atop the argha of the Linga. The discus mounted on the top of the temple is believed to be magnetic whose metal composition has not yet been identified.

Sculptures of Lakshmana and Lord Vishnu can be seen in the walls of the mandapa. There is a four feet tall lime stone image of Surya in the mandapa. The hands of the Surya are raised up to the shoulder. There is also a rare image of Panchmukhi Ganesha, made of lime stone. It is said that the idol has been stolen now. There is a sculpture of Lord Vishnu carved on a large block of stone depicting lord Vishnu in reclining posture on Sheshnaga in the temple premises.

There is an old well of about 100 feet deep can be seen in the temple premises. The temple is famous for its ability to accurately predict the monsoon in the region. It is said that water droplets start dripping from the monsoon stones present in the ceiling of the sanctum, seven days before the onset of the monsoon.

The quantum and size of the water droplets is an indication of the intensity of the rainfall expected. The larger the size and huge number of droplets predicts heavy rainfall in the region. The smaller size of droplets indicates less rainfall or a drought like condition. No water droplets indicate severe drought. It is said that the farmers in the region prepare their land and make necessary arrangements for sowing in accordance with this forecast only.

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