
Sunday, May 28, 2023

Maninaga Temples, Raj Ranpur – Legends

Maninaga Temples, Raj Ranpur – Legends


As per legend, two brothers of Benu Raj family namely Biswabasu and Biswabasab lived in the forest of Nilagiri hill but were driven out from the hill. The younger brother Biswabasab along with his attendants took refuge in the valley of Maninag hill. The Maninag Hill with its rich forest tracts were sparsely inhabited. He decided to the reclaim the region for himself. Subsequently, he subdued the Bhuiyas of the adjacent villages.

One day, while he was walking in the forest, he found an image of Goddess, brought the image and installed it in Maninag Hill. He named it as Goddess Maninaga and worshipped her sincerely. Pleased with his worship, she appeared before him and instructed him to establish a village on the eastern side of the hill. As per the divine instruction, he established the village and named it as Ranpur. He named it as Ranpur in praise of the Goddess Maninag who earlier killed a demon named Ranasura ruling at this region.


As per legend, a piece of stone was originally worshipped as goddess on the hilltop.  The offerings made to the goddess was eaten away by a cobra with a gem. Thus, the goddess came to be called as Maninag. The Bagedis ruling over this area were considered very powerful due to the grace of Maninaga. They were able to bring the surrounding region under their control due to the grace of the goddess. The neighboring kings were jealous of Bagedis success and attempted to steal the deity from the hill. Goddess disappeared leaving a hole on the top of the hill. This hole was subsequently covered with golden plate and worshipped.

Goddess worship from the period of Mahabharata:

As per legend, it is said that the goddess was getting worshipped in this region from the times of Mahabharata.

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