
Friday, August 18, 2023

Balunkesvara Temple, Barala – The Temple

Balunkesvara Temple, Barala – The Temple

This temple is facing towards east. The temple is enclosed by a high wall with Simhadvara in the east and another entrance on the southern side. The temple is pancharatha on plan and panchangabada in elevation. The temple consists of rekha vimana, pidha jagamohana and natamandapa. The vimana, jagamohana are square on plan whereas the natamandapa is rectangular.

The main doorjambs of the natamandapa is decorated with river goddesses Ganga and Yamuna and the southern entrance of the jagamohana is adorned with the images of Ganesa and dvarapalas. The sanctum enshrines the presiding deity, Barala Balunkeswar in the form of patalaphuta Shiva Linga within a circular yonipitha. The parsvadevata niches are provided with nisha shrine of pidha order.

The temple is decorated with khakhara & pidhamundi pilasters in the talajangha and uparajangha respectively. The beki of the temple is decorated with the images of Surya and dopichhasimhas. Shrines of Durga, Kshetrapala, Ardhanariswara, Damodara, Gopal, Narasimha, and Ambika can be seen in the temple premises. Idols of Jain Thirthankaras, Astikajaratkaru and Bhairava can be seen in the temple premises.

Annapurna Shrine:

This shrine is situated on the northern side of the temple complex. The shrine is believed to be built by the Bhoi Dynasty in 19th century CE. This shrine is facing towards east and stands over a low raised platform. The shrine consists of rekha vimana, pidha jagamohana and muktimandapa. The shrine is square on plan. The shrine is pancharatha on plan and panchangabada in elevation. The sanctum enshrines an image of goddess Annapurna. She is two-armed holding danki in her right hand and a bowl in the left hand.

Images of ten-armed Mahisasuramardini and a two-armed Bhairava in standing posture holding a staff in his right hand and a bowl like object in the left hand are attached in the interior wall of the jagamohana. The exterior is decorated with dopichhasimhas and deulacharinis over the beki of all the components of the temple and two projecting lion separated each other on each raha of the gandi. Images of ten armed Nataraja, Radha and Krishna are attached in the niches of the southern wall.

Rama Shrine:

This shrine is situated inside the temple complex. This shrine is also called as Bali Deula. The shrine is believed to be built by the Bhoi Dynasty in 19th century CE. This shrine is facing towards south and square on plan. The shrine is pancharatha on plan and panchangabada in elevation. The shrine consists of rekha vimana and pidha jagamohana. The sanctum enshrines the images of Lord Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, Bharata, Shatrugna and Hanuman. The exterior is decorated with udyota simhas on each raha except a gajakranta motif on the frontal raha and deulacharinis over the beki.

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