
Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Chennakesava Temple, Thandaga – The Temple

Chennakesava Temple, Thandaga – The Temple

This temple is facing towards east and is constructed in ekakuta chala style. The temple consists of sanctum, vestibule, navaranga and mukha mandapa. The mukha mandapa (entrance porch) is supported by two lathe turned pillars and two pilasters. There is an unusual sculpture of  a man bowing in reverence before the Lord can be seen at temple entrance in mukha mandapa.

The navaranga is a closed hall (mandapa) and is supported by four lathe turned pillars. The ceilings are domes with padma design except the central one in which a ribbed dome rises over two sets of corner stones carved with rosette friezes on the sides and lion faces on the lower surfaces. There are two niches seen in the western wall of the navaranga without their original deities.

There are perforated screens on both sides of the doorjambs of the antrala. The lintel of the doorway has a carving of Gaja Lakshmi. The sanctum enshrines a five feet tall image of Chenna Kesava on a Garuda pedestal. The sanctum is crowned with a shikara. The shikara has a finely carved stone kalasha on its top. The shikara is of three tiers.

The exterior walls are decorated with images of various forms of Vishnu, Ugra Narasimha, Uma Mahesvara, Brahma, pilaster designs, turrets, floral motifs, and geometrical patterns. There is an oath stone at the entrance which is believed to have immense power. Though the oath stone was frequently used in the olden days,  people now fear doing the same realizing its true power.

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