
Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Dattatreya Temple, Chattarki – The Temple

Dattatreya Temple, Chattarki – The Temple

The temple consists of sanctum, antrala and sabha mandapa with entrance porches on three directions. The sabha mandapa is supported by four central pillars and twelve pilasters set against the walls. The central pillars have figures of dwarfs on the upper brackets. There is a circular natya mandapa (dance hall) at the centre of these pillars. The niche on the right side of the sabha mandapa enshrines an image of Sapta Matrikas and the left side enshrines an image of Ganesha.

The central ceiling of the sabha mandapa has an intricate carving of an inverted lotus bud with miniature sculptures. The entrance porches of the sabha mandapa are supported by two pillars and pilasters. The entrance porch is enclosed with parapet walls with kakasanas inside. The parapet walls are carved with images of Krishna Leela, Krishna playing the flute, Kalingamardhana, Krishna and Madanikas. The antrala has two decorative pillars on either side.

There is a separate detached mukha mandapa on a raised adhistana can be seen in front of the temple. This mandapa has two entranced with four decorative pillars at the centre. The canopy of this mandapa also has a Bhuvaneswari with an inverted lotus. The sanctum is square on plan. The lintel of the sanctum has a seated figure of Lakshmi. The sanctum enshrines an image of Dattatreya on high pedestal. He is in sambhangi posture and is about 1.5 m tall.

He holds the shanka, chakra, trishul, damaru and kamandala in five hands while his sixth hand rests on his waist. The sanctum might have enshrined an image of Vishnu originally. The current image of Dattatreya might have been placed in the sanctum at a later date. The sanctum is crowned with pyramidal style shikara. This shikara is a later addition. The exterior of the temple is decorated with carvings of Madanikas in dancing postures and images of Vishnu & Vamana in the star shaped niches.

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