
Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Kadambesvara Temple, Rattihalli – The Temple

Kadambesvara Temple, Rattihalli – The Temple

The temple is facing towards east. The temple is constructed in trikutachala style, consisting of three shrines, one each on north, south and west. All these three shrines connects to the navaranga via vestibule. The navaranga is connected to open pillared sabha mandapa. The temple was originally an ekakuta shrine but converted into a trikuta shrine during the reign of Yadava King Singhana II in 1237 CE. The sabha mandapa is open on sides and supported on pillars.

Dvarapalas can be seen on either side of the entrance of the ranga mandapa. The ranga mandapa has a central platform supported on four pillars. A Nandi can be seen in this platform facing towards the sanctum. The pillars are decorated with sixteen side frieze decorated with several miniature carvings. Images of Shiva Lingas, Ganesha, Saraswathi and Sapta Matrikas can be seen on the niches in the ranga mandapa. The doorway of the vestibule of the main shrine has a beautiful makara torana above the lintel.

It has a carving of Nataraja at the centre flanked by Brahma & Ganesha on the left and Vishnu & Mahishasura Mardini on the right. Shanka Nidhis are shown on the extreme sides of the torana. The doorway of the vestibule of the southern and northern shrine does not have any makara torana. The doorjamb of the vestibule and the sanctum of the main shrine has five bands of decoration. The southern shrine enshrines a Shiva Linga called Malleshvara representing the aghora aspect of Lord Shiva.

The northern shrine enshrines a Shiva Linga called Rajeshvara representing the vamadeva aspect of Lord Shiva. The western shrine is the principal shrine and houses the presiding deity, Kadambesvara in the form of Shiva Linga on a stele type pedestal. The tower over the northern shrine has not survived. The towers over the western and southern shrines remain intact. These towers are of three tiers.

The tower over the western shrine shows three different aspects of Lord Shiva namely Aghora on the southern side, Sathyajotha on the western side and Vamadeva on the northern side. The tower over the southern shrine is mostly dedicated to the Bhairava. The Hoysala emblem of a man slaying a lion can be seen on the sukanasi of the western shrine. The exterior of the temple is devoid of any decoration except the niches. Images of Nagi and Chamunda can be seen by the side of the ranga mandapa.

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