
Friday, August 18, 2023

Megheswar Temple, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Megheswar Temple, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Megheswar Temple is a Hindu Temple dedicated to Lord Shiva located in Bhubaneswar, the capital of Odisha, India. The temple is located at Tankapani road situated close to Bhaskareswarar and Brahmeswara Temples. The temple is one of the state protected monuments in Odisha declared by Archaeological Survey of India.


The temple was constructed as per the instruction of Swapnesvara, brother in law of the Ganga King Rajaraja II (1170 – 1190 CE) during the period of Anangabhima II (1190 – 1198 CE), the brother of Rajaraja II.

The Temple

This temple is facing towards west with a pidha style entrance gopura. The temple consists of rekha vimana and pidha jagamohana. It is considered as one of the first navaratha plan temples in Odisha. Nandi can be seen in front of the jagamohana facing towards the sanctum. The entrance of the jagamohana has two big naga sthambas. The architrave of the doorway has images of Navagrahas.

The central part of the lintel has an image of Lakshmi. The sanctum enshrines the presiding deity, Megheswar in the form of Shiva Linga. Ganesha, Parvati with her attendants & her mount lion on her either side and Kartikeya with wife & his mount peacock are the parsvadevatas enshrined in the niches around the exterior walls of the sanctum.

The vimana as well as the exterior walls are full of carvings of dancing ladies, animals such as lions, elephants and Yalis, birds, decorations and Shiva in different postures. The exterior walls of the temple are decorated with various forms of Lord Shiva, Hindu deities, dancing females, various animals such as lions, elephants & yalis, birds, scroll work, floral motifs and geometric patterns.


For brief details, please refer below link;


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