
Thursday, September 28, 2023

Kapotesvara Temple, Chejarla – Legends

Kapotesvara Temple, Chejarla – Legends

As per legend, Emperor Sibi was the son of Ushinara of the Chandravamsha (Lunar dynasty). He was known for his liberal beliefs and selflessness. He was ruling the kingdom of Kashmir. He had two brothers namely Mehadambara and Jeemutavahana. One of his brother, Mehadambara took permission from his brother and reached the place Cherum Chorla as part of his pilgrimage where Rishis performing penance in the caves of a hill called Devarakonda.

Mehadambara performed penance here along with the sages. After his demise, he was buried on the summit of the hill, as his body would not perish it assumed the form of Linga. Villagers saw this Lingakara and built a shrine called Linga Mehadambeswara. The news reached Sibi by the people who accompanied him during his pilgrimage. The other brother, Jeemutavahana started to Cherum Chorla to bring the body of his brother back to Kashmir.

On reaching this place, he too followed the footsteps of his brother and his body reached Kailash. This incident was reported to Sibi by the people accompanied Jeemutavahana. Emperor Sibi himself reached this place and started performing hundred yajnas as he felt the place was divine. It is said that by performing hundred yajnas one would reach the realm of Lord Brahma. Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva decided to test the devotion of Sibi and descended to the Earth at a place called Rupanaguntla.

Lord Shiva transformed as a hunter, Brahma as an arrow and Vishnu as the pigeon. Lord Shiva as a hunter trying to shoot the pigeon. The pigeon flew rapidly and found refuge in the hands of the Sibi, seeking his protection. During this incident, Sibi was performing his 100th Yajna. Lord Shiva in the form of hunter requested Sibi to release the bird so that he can kill and eat it. However, Sibi told the hunter that it was his dharma to protect the one who approached him.

He also determined that it was his moral obligation to protect the bird as well as fulfilling the wish of the hunter. Sibi placed the bird on one side of the balancing pan and tore portions of his body and placed it on the other side of the pan. The bird started weighing more to balance this Sibi started cutting large portions of his body and placed on the scale. The Gods were pleased with his devotion appeared before him in actual form and restored his life and Yajna. Lord Sibi desired the place of Kailasa for himself and his staff.

Further, he also desired that all their bodies should be transformed into Lingas. Lord Siva granted the wishes of Sibi and transformed them into Lingas. The Shiva Linga form of Emperor Sibi came to be called as Kapotesvara (Kapota means pigeon). Even today, the Linga in this temple has large cavities as if portions have been scooped or cut out, and these are said to be the places of the body, from which Sibi cut off his own flesh, in order to save the life of the pigeon. Later, a temple was built for the Linga form of Emperor Sibi.

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