
Thursday, September 28, 2023

Kapotesvara Temple, Chejarla – The Temple

Kapotesvara Temple, Chejarla – The Temple

This temple is facing towards east with a single tiered rajagopuram. The temple consists of sanctum, antrala, maha mandapa and mukha mandapa. The sanctum is apsidal on plan. The sanctum enshrines the presiding deity, Kapotesvara in the form of Shiva Linga. The Linga said to be body (Kalebara) of Sibi with the head cut off. There are two large vertical cavities on top of the Linga. One of these cavities helps to drain off the Abhisheka Tirtha to an unknown place.

The cavities in the Linga looks like portions have been scooped or cut out. These are said to be the places of the body, from which Shibi cut off his own flesh, in order to save the life of the pigeon (Kapota). The smell of raw flesh and blood comes out of this Linga even today. The front of the sanctum is decorated with a chaitya-arch, similar to those found in Buddhist rock-cut architecture. The vimana, structure over the sanctum is in the form of Gajabrusta, the shape of an elephant in its sitting posture. 

The exterior of the temple is devoid of any decoration. There is a temple dedicated to Lord Subramanya situated on top of the hills. There are steps to reach the temple. There are several shrines housing Shiva Lingas can be seen on the eastern side of the outer prakaram. Shrines of Vinayaga, Kumara, Surya, goddess Parvati and Durga can be seen in the temple premises. There is a Sahastralinga (thousand lingas) can be seen in front of the main shrine. An inscriptional stone slab with a trident symbol also can be seen in the temple premises.

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