
Thursday, September 28, 2023

Ranganatha Temple, Gandikota – The Temple

Ranganatha Temple, Gandikota – The Temple

This temple is facing towards east with a gopura gateway. The temple stands over a high ground and completely enclosed within a compound wall. The temple consists of sanctum, antrala, mukha mandapa and maha mandapa. The maha mandapa is rectangular on plan and is supported by twenty four pillars arranged in four rows of six each. The pillars are carved with Hindu deities, male & female figures, floral motifs and geometrical patterns.

The mukha mandapa is square in plan. The eastern doorway of the mukha mandapa has three bands of decoration. The doorjamb is adorned with lotus petal carvings, creepers, and floral motifs. The centre of the lintel has a carving of Gajalakshmi. The base of the doorjamb has carvings of dvarapalas on either side. The architrave above the door way is carved with the ten avatars of Lord Vishnu. The mukha mandapa has sixteen pillars arranged in two squares one within the other.

All the pillars of the outer square are attached to the wall and each having a plain rectangular shaft. The central four pillars are intricately carved. The ceiling of the mukha mandapa in between the central four pillars is arranged in lozenge shaped or double square method with a lotus medallion in the centre. The sanctum is square on plan. The superstructure over the sanctum is completely lost. The doorway of antarala has three bands of decoration.

The doorjamb is decorated with creepers, flowers and lotus petal carvings. The base of the doorjamb has carvings of dvarapalas on either side. The ceiling of the sanctum is arranged in lozenge shaped design with an inset lotus medallion in the centre. The image in the sanctum is missing. The kitchen hall (madapalli) is situated on the south eastern corner of the prakaram. It consists of two rooms. There is a four pillared mandapa in front of the kitchen hall.

There is another mandapa, which is completely in ruins, built in the space provided by the outward projection of south prakara. The Kalyana mandapa is situated on south western corner of the prakaram. The mandapa is supported by sixteen pillars. There is a pavilion in the centre with four pillars. The ceiling over the pavilion is adorned with a lotus medallion. The pillars are decorated with Hindu deities, floral motifs and geometrical patterns.

There is an east facing shrine for Devi situated to the north of the Kalyana mandapa. This shrine is in ruined condition. This shrine consists of sanctum and a six pillared entrance porch. The Devi image is missing. There is no vimana over the sanctum. The walls of the sanctum are devoid of any decoration. There are two rooms each with a doorway situated on the north eastern corner of the prakara. There is a ten pillared mandapa situated in front of these rooms.

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