
Friday, March 31, 2023

Lakshmi Narayan Group of Temples, Chamba – History

Lakshmi Narayan Group of Temples, Chamba – History

The principal shrine of the temple complex, Lakshmi Narayan Temple was constructed by King Sahil Varman of Mushana Rajput Dynasty (Chamba State) in 10th century CE. King Sahil Varman is believed to be the founder of modern Chamba in 920 CE. The temple was completely reconstructed in 1579 CE by Pandit Durugu and barber Gyana during the reign of Raja Pratap Singh Varman (1559 – 1586 CE) as per the inscription in the right pillar on the southern niche.

The Krishna panels on the northern and southern exterior walls were added during the reign of Raja Balabhadra Varman (1589 – 1641 CE). A beautiful torana carved with the images of dasavathara was installed in the main shrine during the reign of Raja Dalel Singh. The Vaikunda Dwara (the entrance porch) of the main shrine was built by Raja Shri Singh. However, it was destroyed by fire in 1957 CE.

The Chandragupta Mahadeva Temple was also constructed by King Sahil Varman in 10th century CE. The Gauri Shankar Temple was built by his son Yugakar Varman. The Radha Krishna Temple in the complex was built by Queen Sarda, wife of Raja Jit Singh in 1825 CE. Raja Balabhadra Varman added two brass idols of Garuda on two tall pillars near the main gate. Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb ordered the demolition of this temple complex in 17th century CE.

The rulers of Chamba state defied the order and extensively renovated and added new structures to this temple complex. Then Aurangzeb the emperor order to demolish the temple and the Raja Chhatra Singh included gilded elevations to the temple in the year 1678. Raja Chhatra Singh adorned the temple roof with gold plated pinnacles in 1678 CE.

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