
Friday, March 31, 2023

Lakshmi Narayan Group of Temples, Chamba – Legends

Lakshmi Narayan Group of Temples, Chamba – Legends

As per legend, Raja Sahil Varman decided that the idols should be made out of marble. In order to acquire marble, he sent his nine sons to the Vindhya Mountains for marble. The princes came back with the marble stones. When the sculptors started working on the marble stones, they found that the marbles were unfit for making an idol of Lord Vishnu. They decided that the smaller idols of other gods shall be made from these marbles.

Accordingly, they made three idols Namely three faced Lord Shiva, Ganapati and Goddess Lakshmi, the consort of Lord Vishnu from these marble stones. Sahil Varman again sent his eight younger princes to Vindya mountain to find suitable marble stone for making the idol of Lord Vishnu. While returning back after acquiring the stones, the princes were killed by a band of dacoits.

Even after this personal tragedy, the king was undeterred and sent his eldest son Yugakar Varman for the marble stones. The crown prince was also attacked by the dacoits. However, he was able to kill them with the help of ascetics and return unharmed to Chamba. Later, a beautiful idol of Lord Vishnu was made out of the marble stone and installed in the temple. In gratitude to the help of the ascetics, the ascetics are venerated in Chamba and are never allowed to go back empty handed.

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