
Saturday, April 8, 2023

Kopeshwar Temple, Khidrapur – Legends

Kopeshwar Temple, Khidrapur – Legends

As per legend, Daksha, one of the Prajapati, son of Lord Brahma did not like his youngest daughter Sati marrying Lord Shiva. Later, Daksha conducted a great Yagna. He invited all the gods, Prajapatis and kings to attend the yajna and intentionally avoided inviting Lord Shiva and Sati. Sati came to know about the grand yajna organized by her father and asked Lord Shiva to attend the yajna. Lord Shiva refused her request, saying that it was inappropriate to attend a function without being invited.

She constantly pleaded and urged Lord Shiva to let her attend the ceremony. Finally, Lord Shiva allowed her to go to her parents' home, along with his followers including Nandi, and attend the ceremony, but refused to accompany with her. Upon arriving, Sati tried to meet her parents and sisters; Daksha was arrogant and avoided interacting with Sati. He repeatedly snubbed her in front of all the dignitaries. The shameless insult and humiliation of her and her beloved, eventually became too much to bear.

She cursed Daksha for acting so atrociously toward her and Shiva and reminded him that his haughty behaviour had blinded his intellect. She cursed him and warned that the wrath of Shiva would destroy him. Unable to bear further humiliation, Sati committed suicide by jumping into the sacrificial fire. The onlookers tried to save her, but it was too late. They were only able to retrieve the half-burnt body of Sati. Lord Shiva was deeply pained upon hearing of his wife's death.

His grief grew into a terrible anger when he realized how Daksha had viciously plotted a treachery against him; but it was his innocent wife who fell into the trap instead of him. Lord Shiva learned of Daksha’s callous behaviour towards Sati. Shiva's rage became so intense that he plucked a lock of hair from his head and smashed it on the ground, breaking it into two with his leg.

Armed and frightening, two fearsome beings Virabhadra and Bhadrakali (Rudrakali) emerged. Lord Shiva ordered them to kill Daksha and destroy the yajna. The ferocious Virabhadra and Bhadrakali, along with the Bhutaganas, reached the yajna spot. The invitees renounced the yajna and started running away from the turmoil. All those who participated, even the other Prajapatis and the gods, were mercilessly beaten, wounded or even slaughtered.

Daksha was caught and decapitated. Lord Vishnu pacified Lord Shiva where upon he restored the head of the Daksha with the head of a ram. Lord Vishnu brought the furious Lord Shiva to this place in order to calm him down. Thus, Lord Shiva of this temple came to be called as Kopeshwar (furious Lord Shiva). Lord Vishnu who accompanied Lord Shiva to this place can be seen in the Linga form under the name Dhopeshwar in the temple premises.

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