
Saturday, April 8, 2023

Kopeshwar Temple, Khidrapur – History

Kopeshwar Temple, Khidrapur – History

The temple was constructed in 12th century CE by King Gandaraditya (1108 – 1138 CE) of Silhara Dynasty. The temple was renovated in 1213 CE by King Singhana II of Yadavas of Devagiri. There are about 12 inscriptions found in the temple. Most of the inscriptions are not legible, only few inscriptions are in good condition now. These inscriptions records the battles fought, grants & gifts made to the temple and records the names of the kings and their officers. Majority of the inscriptions are in Kannada except one inscription.

The sole inscription is written in Sanskrit in Devanagari script and records the battle fought between the Silhara King Bhoj II and King Singhana II of Yadavas of Devagiri. Khidrapur was called as Koppam during ancient times. It is said that the town witnessed two major historic battles. The first battle was fought between the Chola King Rajadhiraja I and Chalukyan King Ahavamalla in 1058 CE. The Chola King Rajadhiraja I was killed at the battlefield. His brother Rajendra Chola II was coronated as king right on the battle field and led the Chola army to victory against the Chalukyas.

The second battle was fought between the Silhara King Bhoj II and King Singhana II of Yadavas of Devagiri. Silhara King Bhoj II was captured by Yadavas in the battle and was kept captive on the fort of Panhala. This incident was recorded in the inscription dated to 1213 CE. The inscription can be seen near the southern entrance of the temple. This battle ended the rule of the Kolhapur branch of Shilaharas.

1 comment:

  1. Seshagiri TheivannanNovember 2, 2023 at 6:44 AM

    Excellent information relating to Inscriptions. Is the date of the Singhana's Inscription correct? It appears to be 1223 (Ref. JF Fleet's article in the Journal of the Bombay Branch of Royal Asiatic Society, No. XXXIII, Vol. XII).
