
Saturday, April 8, 2023

Kopeshwar Temple, Khidrapur – The Temple

Kopeshwar Temple, Khidrapur – The Temple

This temple is facing towards east with an entrance arch. The temple measures 152 feet in length and 104 feet in breadth. The temple consists of sanctum, antrala, sabha mandapa and swarga mandapa. This swarga mandapa is circular in plan. The mandapa is supported by 48 intricately carved pillars. It has four entrances, each in the four cardinal directions. The roof of the mandapa has a circular opening of 13 feet diameter to the sky.

There is also a large circular stone slab of 13 feet diameter directly beneath the opening. There are about 12 intricately carved round pillars supporting the circular opening. The swarga mandapa is enclosed by the parapet walls on all sides except the entrances. The exterior of the parapet walls are carved with images of Ganesha, Karthikeya and Ashtadikpalas with their respective mounts. The sabha mandapa is square on plan and is supported by 60 pillars. It measures 50 feet in length and 50 feet in breadth.

The sabha mandapa can be entered easily from the eastern, southern and northern side. The entrance doors of the sabha mandapa has five bands of decoration of which the eastern door is intricately carved. The antarala measures 20 feet in length and 20 feet in breadth. The entrance door of the antrala is guarded by the dvarapalas. The sanctum enshrines the presiding deity Kopeshwar in the form of Shiva Linga. It also enshrines Lord Vishnu called as Dhopeshwar in the form of Shiva Linga.

The base of the temple has sculptures of gods and goddess mounted on elephants. The jangha portion of the exterior walls are carved with gods and goddesses of Hindu pantheon. Hero stones, detached sculptures and architectural fragments can be seen in the temple premises. It is unique to notice the absence of Nandi in this temple. The Nandi might have been damaged during the Islamic invasion in this region. It is said that the Nandi temple in Yadur, Karnataka is considered as Nandi of this temple.

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