
Saturday, January 5, 2019

Venkateswara Temple, Tirumala – Theerthams

Venkateswara Temple, Tirumala – Theerthams
Besides Tirumala Venkateswara Swamy Temple, there are many places In and around Tirumala and Tirupati to visit and enjoy the divinity. The puranas say that there are about 66 crore Theerthams (holy water falls) located in the wide spread Seshachalam ranges. In actual, there are about 108 Theerthams around Thirumala, located around widespread Seshachalam hills, but most of them are not accessible through road, one should trek little deep into Seshachalam hill ranges and few of them are very difficult to reach. However, these sacred Theerthams are classified as Dharmaratiprada Theerthams, Gnanaprada Theerthams, Bhaktivairagyaprada Theerthams and Muktiprada Theerthams.
Dharmaratiprada Theerthams:
The holy dip in these Theerthams will transform the person to lead a moral life combined with spiritual discipline which is the very foundation to get salvation. As per the puranas there are about 1008 holy torrents in the first category of Theerthams.
Gnanaprada Theerthams:
It involves deep exploration of the nature of our being by systematically exploring and setting aside false identities. A dip in the Gnanaprada Theerthams is believed to gift this path of wisdom to pilgrims. These are 108 in number. They are: Manu, Indra, Vasu, Rudra (11 in number), Aditya (12 in number), Prajapati (9 in number), Aswini, Sukra, Varuna, Jahnavi, Kapeya, Kanwa, Agneya, Narada, Soma, Bhargava, Dharma, Yagna, Pasu, Ganeshwara, Bhaumaswa, Paribhadra, Jagajadyahara, Viswakallola, Yama, Baraspatya, Kamaharsha, Ajamoda, Janeshwara, Instasiddhi, Karmasiddhi, Vata, Jedumbara, Karthikeya, Kubja, Prachetasa (10 in number), Garuda, Sesha, Vasuki, Vishnuvardhana, Karmakanda, Punyavriddhi, Runavimochana, Parjanya, Megha, Sankarshana, Vasudeva, Narayana, Deva, Yaksha, Kala, Gomukha, Pradymna, Aniruddha, Pitru, Arsheya, Vaishwadeva, Swadha, Swaha, Asti, Anjaneya, Suddhodaka, Astha Bhairava (8 in number). All put together 108 Theerthams.
Bhaktivairagyaprada Theerthams:
Puranas state that these are more sacred than the Gnanaprada Theerthams. A dip in these Theerthams will provide renunciation from the materialistic way of life and leads to bhakti yoga. These are 68 in number. They are: Chakra, Vajra, Vishwakasena, Panchayudha, Halayuda, Narasimha, Kasyapa, Manmadha, Brahma, Agni, Gautami, Daiva, Devam, Viswamitra, Bhargava, Astavakra, Durarohana, Bhairava, Meha,, Vayu, Asti, Markandeya, Jabali, Valabhilya, Jwarahara, Vishahara, Lakshmi, Rushi, Shatananda, Suteekshaka, Vaibhandaka, Bilwa, Vishnu, Salva, Sarabha, Brahma, Indra, Bharadwaja, Akasaganga, Prachetana, Papavinasana, Saraswatha, Kumaradhara, Gaja, Rushyasringa, Tumburu, Dasavatara (10 in number by the name of different avataras of Lord Vishnu), Halayudi, Saptarshi (7 in number after the name of saptarshi), Gajakona, viswaksena, Yudhasarasti.
Muktiprada Theerthams:
Mukti means liberation of the senses from the clutches of the mind. It is enlightenment or a state of self-realization of the soul through Bhakti. A bath in the muktiprada teerthams will gives us salvation. They are seven in number and considered to be the holiest among all the 66 crore teerthams.
Some of the famous Theerthams associated with Tirumala Venkateshwara Swamy Temple are;
Swami Pushkarani
For brief details, please refer below link;
Akasha Ganga Theertham:
For brief details, please refer below link;
Chakra Theertham:
For brief details, please refer below link;
Deva Theertham:
For brief details, please refer below link;
Dhruva Theertham:
For brief details, please refer below link;
Japali Theertham:
For brief details, please refer below link;
Kapila Theertham:
For brief details, please refer below link;
Kumaradhara Theertham:
For brief details, please refer below link;
Narasimha Theertham:
For brief details, please refer below link;
Pandava Theertham:
For brief details, please refer below link;
Papa Vinasanam Theertham:
For brief details, please refer below link;
Ramakrishna Theertham:
For brief details, please refer below link;
Sanaka Sanandana Theertham:
For brief details, please refer below link;
Sesha Theertham:
For brief details, please refer below link;
Tumburu Theertham:
For brief details, please refer below link;
Bangaru Bavi:
Bangaru Bavi is a Theertha Well situated in front of the Potu. The site of the Bangaru Bavi is as directed in the Vaikhanasa Agamas, and it is constructed according to the Vijayanagara style of architecture. The well provides water needs of the Potu through stone pipes laid way back hundreds of years ago.
Sitamma Theertham:
Sitamma Theertham is one of the popular Theertham. Lord Brahma once observed repentance at this site. Further, for cleansing this place, Lord Vishnu plunged the Sudarshana Chakram. The place where his Sudarshana Chakram fell is known as the Chakra Theertham. Sitadevi in older times use to come here and take the bath in this lower level of rock hence people use to say it is very good for allergic purpose. There is also a small temple of Swayambu Lingam at this site and it is believed to hold some sacred powers. People use to take the Theertham for their kidney infections and other inner body infections.
The best time for visiting this place is during the rainy season, this place looks even more beautiful with greenery around and with white water gushing out of the rocks. Bathing in this water is really refreshing and is said to wash away the evils and confer good fortune. Sitamma Theertham is a holy water body that is located nearby the main temple in Tirumala. This water body lies close to Silathoranam and the Chakra Theertham. It is situated at about 8 Kms from Tirupati town.

Vaikunta Theertham:
Vaikunta Theertham is one of the popular Theertham in Thirumala. This Waterfall had Ramayana connection. Legend has it that the monkeys from Lord Rama’s Vanara Sena saw Vaikuntha here and it was after this that this place came to be known as Vaikuntha Theertham. This Waterfall is situated in the beautiful surroundings amidst forest and caves. It is situated deep inside Seshachala forest in a cave to the north-east of the temple. Rainy season suits best to visit this place. The place looks astonishingly beautiful with the greeneries around and water gushing out of the rocks.
Bathing in this water is really refreshing and is said to wash away the evils and confer good fortune. Bath here will give Vaikunta Prapthi after life and also erase all sins committed in this life. This Theertham is situated approximately 3 Kms from the Tirupati Bus Station and is connected with several important destinations. 3 hours of trekking is required to reach this place from Kukka Doddi Village. Devotees should get proper local guide to safely reach and identify this Theertham.

Saptarishi Theertham:
Saptarishi Theertham is situated above Brahma Theertham, there are seven holy Theerthams created by Saptarishi named Kashyapa, Atri, Bharadwaja, Vishvamitra, Gautama, Vasishta and Jamadagni. Of these seven Theerthams, the first one possesses ten times greater merit than all the remaining Theerthams.
Brahma Theertham:
Brahma Theertham can be reached on a two-hour trekking through the forest area from Kukkala Doddi village. Local Guide is required to reach this place, else one can be lost in the wilderness. It is believed that one can get cleansed from grave sins of killings and other crimes. It is believed that Lord Brahma did penance here for Lord Vishnu to get boon to ease his creation task. Thus, this Theertham came to be known as Brahma Theertham.
Shakara / Vajra Theertham:
Shakara / Vajra Theertham is situated above the Kapila Theertham. It is believed that Lord Indra got relieved of his curse by Gautama Maharishi for his illicit connection with the Rishi’s wife Ahalya by taking a bath here.
Pasupu Dhara / Punya Theertham:
Pasupu Theertham is one of the popular Theertham in Thirumala. Pasupu Theertham is also called as Punya Theertham. This pond is situated very close to the main Venkateswara Temple and can be reached by foot. It is also regarded as close to the celestial water bodies in heaven, which has special association with Lord Venkateswara. The best time for visiting this place is during the rainy season, this place looks even more beautiful with greenery around and with white water gushing out of the rocks. Bathing in this water is really refreshing and is said to wash away the evils and confer good fortune.
Palguni Theertham:
Palguni Theertham is one of the popular Theertham in Tirumala. It is known for its divinity and sacredness. Once the great seers like Sanaka lived on the banks of this lake. Arundhati, wife of one of the seven great seers, found this spot very vibrant. She chose this spot for performing penance. On a Full Moon day in the Palguni Month (March - April) Sri Lakshmi Devi appeared to Arundhati and granted her wishes. Sri Lakshmi Devi also granted a power that on the said Palguni day every year whosoever takes bathe in that lake shall get the grace of Sri Lakshmi Devi. Later Sri Agasthya built his hermitage on the banks and raised a flower garden around the spot. The flowers were also offered to the Lord in the shrine by the sage.
Namalagavi Theertham:
Namalagavi Theertham is a sacred Theertham, situated inside a cave located in the deep forest of Tirumala Hills. White powder from this Theertham is used for Sri Venkateswara Swamy Namam. One should trek for 2 hours 15 mins from Mokalla Parvatham to reach this place. Ghanta Mandapam is also located here. Local Guides are required to reach this place, as it is little deep inside forest.
Naga Theertham / Nagula Bavi:
Naga Theertham is one of the popular Theertham located in Tirumala. Lord Subramanya performed penance here. The waters of the Spring and the pond are so crystal clear and the calmness of the place with the sounds of the flowing water is a delight to watch. The area around the Theertham is abound with serpent idols. A huge rocky outcrop in this area resembles like a raised hood of a Cobra. The best time for visiting this place is during the rainy season, this place looks even more beautiful with greenery around and with white water gushing out of the rocks.
Taking bath in this Theertham will relieve devotee from Naga Dosham. After bath one should performs 3 Pradakshinams to the Idols which is next to Theertham. Bath and Pradakshinams here, will result in strong planetary positions. If one can’t take bath, at least sprinkle water on the head to get rid of Dosham. This Theertham is situated between Bada Gangamma Temple and Chakra Theertham. It lies to the northeast of the Tirumala temple. This Theertham is located deep in the forest It takes around 1 hour 30 mins trekking from Kukkala Doddi Village.
Yuddhagala Theertham / Rudra Kala Theertham:
Rudra Kala Theertham is one of the holy Theerthams in Tirumala, known for its divinity and sacredness. Lord Rama is said to have taken bath here to clear his sin of killing Ravana. Rudra Kala Theertham is located deep inside Tirumala Forest. Once should trek 5 Kms deep into forest to reach Rudra Kala Theertham.

Gujjana Falls:
Gujjana Falls Tirumala is the highest falls in the Seshachala hill ranges. Gujjana falls is located deep in Seshachala forest area. To reach Gujjana Falls one should trek up Hills from Kukkala Doddi or Trek down Hills from Papavinasanam Tirumala. It is situated between Papavinasanam and Kukkala Doddi.

Beema Theertham:
Beema Theertham is situated on Tirumala II Ghat (to Tirumala), after crossing Alipiri, the valley backside of the Vinayaka temple.
Anala / Agni Theertham:
It is believed that Lord Agni took bath here to get rid of his severe stomach pain.
Kayarasayana Theertham:
Kayarasayana Theertham is located near Sanaka Sanadhana Theertham. It is said that the anybody who drinks the water of this Theertham would be instantaneously purified. It is said that even a rotting yellow colored leaf thrown into its waters would at once turn green. Kayarasayana Theertham is hidden from view for the common man and is visible only to the Mahatmas. It is believed that the source of this Theertham was blocked with stones by Sanaka and other Rishis.
Sakthi Katari Theertham:
Sakthi Katari Theertham most powerful and sacred Theertham in Tirumala. It is the place where there will be no power to evil spirits. Whoever approaches this Theertham with evil thoughts will be punished. This Theertham is located deep in the Tirumala forest area. Taking bath here will get blessing from Goddess Durga. It is an hour trekking from Old Papavinasanam Theertham to reach this place. One should be attentive here while crossing paths as edges are too sharp and one can slip down easily.
Markandeya Theertham:
Markandeya Theertham is situated on the northern side of Venkatachala Hills, was constructed by Sage Markandeya. The waters of this Theertham are capable of conferring salvation to those who drink. This Theertham associated with the eponymous sages and gods, are all believed to confer longevity, happiness and salvation on those who drink their waters or bathe in them. Sages used to meditate at this Theertham. This Theertham is located in the deep forest area of Seshachala Ranges. One should trek from Kukkala Doddi forest area for 1 hours 45 mins to reach this place. Guide is required to reach this Theertham otherwise it will be hard to identify.
Muneeswara Theertham:
Muneeswara Theertham is located in the deep Tirumala forest area. A bath here relieves body pains and generates energetic thoughts. It is high hill trekking to reach this Sacred Theertham. An hour and half trekking from Kukkala Doddi Forest area to this place. Guide is must to reach this place, without which it will be tough to identify Theertham in the deep forest. Rocks here will be in dark black. Best time to visit this Theertham is during the Monsoons.
Kailasa Theertham:
Kailasa Theertham is located in the deep forest area to the North west of the Thirumala Temple. This Theertham is good for meditation. A bath here bestows merits, longevity, progeny and happiness in this world and beyond. It is 2 hours trekking from Kukkala Doddi Forest area to reach this place. Guide is required to this place, without which it will be hard to locate this Theertham as many Theerthams will be around. It is not easy to reach this place without mentor.
Sri Rama Theertham:
Sri Rama Theertham is located deep inside the Seshachala Forest area. Sri Rama reached Tirumala in search of Sita Devi, and stayed here for some time. So, the Theertham got its name as Sri Rama Theertham. Whoever takes bath here will be relieved from tensions. It is 2 hours trekking through the forest area from Kukkala Doddi Village. Mentor is required to reach this Theertham, one can easily be lost the track without proper guidance. Best time to visit this Theertham is during monsoons.
Vishnu / Sanku Theertham:
Vishnu Theertham is a sacred water body found deep inside Tirumala Forest Area (Seshachalam Hills). Sri Vishnu Theertham is believed to have sacred powers. Devotees used to trek deep into the forest to reach this holy site. Sri Vishnu Theertham also called as Sri Sanku Theertham.
Dasavathara Theertham:
Dasavathara Theertham is one of the holy Theerthams in Tirumala, known for its divinity and sacredness. Dasavathara Theertham located deep in Tirumala Forest. Once should trek 9 Kms deep into forest to reach this place.
Garuda Theertham:
Garuda Theertham is another sacred water body located deep in Tirumala Forest. Garuda did penance here so it got its name.
Saneswara Theertham (Nalla Rathi Kona):
Saneswara Theertham is located deep in the Tirumala forest. Lord Saneeswara did penance here for Lord Venkateswara, whoever takes bath here will not be haunted by Saneswara. Bath in this Theertham is good for strong planetary position. It is 2 hours 30 mins trekking from Kukkala Doddi Village to reach this place.
Gandharva Theertham:
Gandharva Theertham, another sacred Theertham will be not visible to the human eye.
Vishvaksena Saras:
Above this Sakkara Theertham, is the sacred Vishvaksena Saras where Vishvaksena, the son of Varuna, rendered penance and obtained an identical form with that of Vishnu together with the commander-ship of Vishnu’s forces. Vishvaksena, the son of Varuna, rendered penance & blessed to be the Lord’s commander-in-chief to be with Vishnu.
Panchayudha Theertham:
Panchayudha Theertham is group of 5 Theerthams. These Theerthams are named after the 5 divine weapons of Vishnu, viz, Sankha (Conch) Theertham, Chakra (Disc) Theertham, Gada (Club) Theertham, Sainga (bow) Dhanus Theertham and Nandaka (sword) Theertham, which are all very holy pools and are situated above the Vishvaksena Saras.
Agni Kunda Theertham:
Agni Kunda Theertham lies above the Panchayudha Theerthams and is inaccessible.
Thotti Theertham:
The sandal and saffron mixed Thirumanjanam waters used for the ritual ceremonial bath of the lord are collected on Fridays from this theertha. Drinking this water will destroy all sins.
Other Theerthams:
·        Valighna Theertham
·        Jarahara Theertham
·        Rasayana Theertham
·        Thumba Theertham
·        Sri Pada Theertham
·        Pedda Goda (Elimineti Kona)
·        Bhargava Theertham
·        Halayuda Theertham
·        Panchami Theertham
·        Pulibonu Bavi
·        Vageti Kona
·        Chakalibana Theertham / Chakirevu Baana
·        Pagadimanu Gundam / Pandi Gunta
·        Bandi Irusulu Theertham


  1. Is there any guide available to visit all these places?

  2. Sir please i want to know about Agni thertham
