Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mohajmata Temple, Terahi, Madhya Pradesh

Mohajmata Temple, Terahi, Madhya Pradesh
Mohajmata Temple is a Hindu Temple dedicated to Goddess Sakthi located at Terahi, a small village in Shivpuri district of Madhya Pradesh, India. The Temple is situated in the banks of Mahwar River. This temple is situated on the outskirts of the Terahi Village. The Temple is under the control of Archeological Survey of India.

Terahi and Mahua Village of present day might be the ancient Terambi. Terambi was the seat of a Shaiva Tradition as attested with the presence of Shaiva monastery ruins in the Terahi Village. Remains of various pillars with inscriptions can be found around Mohajmata Temple. There is an inscription dated to 903 CE found on a pillar. It talks about a temple of Chandiya. This Temple of Chandiya might be the current Mohajmata temple.

From this inscription, the temple can be assigned to the 9th century CE. Most of the inscriptions records battle field accomplishments. There was one inscription referring to a battle fought on the banks of river Madhuveni, currently called as Mahwar. The same inscription talks about a fort in Terahi and its chief losing his life in the battle.

The Temple
This is an east facing temple. The Temple consists of Mukha Mandapam and Sanctum. The Vimana over the sanctum has not survived. The temple is made of red sand stone. There is an image of a four-armed goddess riding over a ghost adorns the center of the sanctum door lintel. Images of Sapta Matrikas are carved on the lintel. Mahisasuramardini is housed in the sanctum. It might be of later addition.

Most of the sculptures in the outer walls are defaced and destroyed. Also, large number of skeletons, goblins and ghosts can be found on all the sides of temple. Remains of various pillars with inscriptions can be found around Mohajmata Temple. Few of these pillars were moved to Archaeological Museum of Gwalior for safety.

There is a richly ornamented torana (gateway) called Turari Gate in front of this temple. The torana is in fine state of preservation.  There is an image of Surya, riding over his chariot driven by seven horses, adorns the central place over the top of this torana. Lord Surya was flanked by Kartikeya and Indrani. Dilapidated image of Lord Vishnu can be seen in the backside. Lord Vishnu was flanked by Chamunda and Vaishnavi. Images of Varaha, Hayagriva, Balarama, Ganesha, Agni, Vishnu, Harihara, Kubera and Saraswathi can also be seen in this Torana.

The Temple is located at about 12 Kms from Rannod, 17 Kms from Kadwaya, 63 Kms from Badarwas Railway Station, 68 Kms from Chanderi, 73 Kms from Shivapuri and 278 Kms from Bhopal Airport. Terahi can be reached from Shivapuri or Chanderi. There is no public transport facility to reach this place. Taxis has to be arranged to reach this place.

1 comment:

  1. I recently visited this Temple during last Nabaratri ie. middle of October 2021.A very strange and mysterious temple at a strange location. It's really tough to reach there.
