Thursday, May 14, 2020

Narasimha Temple, Puri – The Temple

Narasimha Temple, Puri – The Temple
The temple complex is about 3 feet high from the road level. The area around the temple complex has been enclosed by high masonry walls with an entrance at western side. The temple faces to west. The temple is facing towards west and the height of the temple is about 60 ft. The Temple consists of three structures such as the Vimana, the Jagamohana and Natamandapa. The temple is Pancharatha on plan. The Vimana follows Rekha deula style, Jagamohana follows Pidha deula style and rectangular Natamandapa. The Vimana is about 60 feet high.

The deity is installed on a high masonry simhaasana of 6 feet in height and 4 feet in width. The height of the deity is 5 feet and it is made of black chlorite. He displays chakra in right upper hand, conch in left upper hand and another two lower hands are stretched over his knees. The image is designed seated in yogasana with both legs crossed and tied near the knee. Devi Lakshmi has been installed on the left lap of Narasimha. The pedestal of the presiding deity is richly carved with scroll works, flower designs and Garuda figures.

Besides the presiding deity, there is another Narasimha image also kept in the backside of the presiding deity. The image is not Lakshmi Narasimha but here the deity (Narasimha) is in ferocious form. Because the lower two hands of deity are engaged to take out the entrails of Hiranyakasipu, the demon. The sanctum has one doorway towards the Jagamohana. The image of Gajalakshmi is finely carved on the center of the doorway lintel.

The Navagrahas are carved on the architrave above the doorway lintel. Figures of Jaya and Vijaya, the two legendary doorkeepers of Vishnu are finely carved at the base of the jambs. Niches idols of Varaha, Trivikrama (Vamana) and Vishnu on three sides of Vimana can be seen. Jagamohana is a Pancharatha pidha deula and it is about 50 feet high. The Jagamohana has one doorway on the west towards the Natamandapa. The doorjambs of the western side doorway of the Mukhasala are relieved with flower medallions, creepers with the frolicking boys and the flower designs.

The figures of Jaya and Vijaya are carved at the base of the doorjambs and they are acting as the dvarapalas of the Jagamohana. The Natamandapa of is a pidha deula and its height is about 35 feet from the ground of the temple. There is a Garuda pillar placed in the eastern side of the Natamandapa. The pillar is circular in section and its height is approximately 4 feet 6 inches.19 The image of Garuda is installed in kneeling posture on the top of it. The eastern side inner wall niche of the Natamandapa contains an image of Narayana.

The four handed image of Narayana has been installed on the plain pedestal. He is carved in seated posture and his upper two hands display chakra and conch and the lower two hands are joined in anjali mudra. In the southwest corner of inner side temple complex is occupied by a Tulasi chaunra. There is only one entrance porch in the western side of the boundary wall. Two jhapasimhas on croachant elephants are finely projected on the both sides ground of the entrance porch. They are acting as the gatekeepers of the temple.

There is an image of Mahavir Hanuman closely installed in the right-side wall of the entrance porch (western side). The image is 4 feet in height and it displays gada in right hand and huge rock (Gandha Mardana mountain) in left hand respectively. This image is housed in a small shrine of pidha order structure.

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