Monday, May 11, 2020

Brahma Temple, Pushkar – Religious Significance

Brahma Temple, Pushkar – Religious Significance
No entry to House holders:
The priests at the Brahma temple refer to a strictly followed religious practice. House-holders (married men) are not allowed to enter the sanctum sanctorum to worship the deity. Only ascetics (sanyasis) can perform the puja to the deity. Hence, all offerings by pilgrims are given, from the outer hall of the temple, through a priest who is a sanyasi. The priests of the temple, in general in Pushkar, belong to the Parashargotra (lineage).
Sacred Religious Place & Pilgrimage:
Scriptures have identified the Pushkar Lake along with the Brahma temple as one of the prominent ten religious places in the world and it is also one of the five sacred pilgrimages for the Hindus, in India. Thus, Pushkar has become synonymous with pilgrimages and India and many holy sages have made it their prime abode.
Worship Practices:
The temple is visited by pilgrims and also by the holy men and sages, after taking a ceremonial sacred bath in the Pushkar lake. It is also a practice that a visit to the Brahma temple is followed by worship of his consort Gayatri, followed by visits to other temples as convenient.

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