Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Jameswar Temple, Puri, Odisha

Jameswar Temple, Puri, Odisha
Jameswar Temple is a Hindu Temple dedicated to Lord Shiva, located in Puri, a famous pilgrimage town in the state of Odisha, India. This Temple is considered as one of the Pancha Pandava Temples, associated with Yudhistra, the eldest brother among the Pancha Pandavas. It is also considered as one of the Ashta Sambhu Temples protecting Puri in all directions. This temple is also known as Yamesvara Temple and Jamesvara Mahadeva Temple. The Temple is located at about 1.5 Kms from Puri Jagannatha Temple, 3 Kms from Puri Bus Stand and 4 Kms from Puri Railway Station. The Temple is located towards the end of the street in Gaudabada Sahi to the south west of Puri Jagannath Temple. 

It is believed that once Lord Yama (the god of death) tried to disturb Lord Shiva’s meditation. An infuriated Lord Shiva defeated Lord Yama in the ensuing battle. In local language 'Yama' is known as 'Jama'. After his victory over Jama (Yama), Lord Shiva is known as Jameswar (Yamesvara). It is said that Lord Jamesvara is protecting the holy city of Puri from the influence of Yama.
Pancha Pandava Temples:
Jameswar Temple is one of the Pancha Pandava Temple of Puri. As per the legend, Pancha Pandavas (Yudhishthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva) during their exile visited Puri and stayed here for one day. They worshipped Lord Vishnu for the safety of their journey. As a symbol of their visit, five Shiva temples were built at Puri in memory of their stay at this holy place. These famous five Shiva temples are Lokanatha, Jameswara, KapalamochanaMarkandeswarar and Nilakanthesvara. Together, these temples are called as Pancha Pandava Temples. Yamesvara Temple is associated with Yudhistra, the eldest brother among the Pancha Pandavas.
Ashta Shambhus:
As per Skanda Purana Purusottama Mahatmya, Puri is called as Shankha Kshetra as it is conch shaped. Puri Jagannath Temple stands at the centre. lt is surrounded and protected by eight shrines called Ashta Shambhus. Markandeswar is one among them. The others are Kapalamochana, Kshetrapal, Yameshwar, lshaneswar, Bilweswar and Neelakantha.
The Temple was believed to be built in 14th Century CE by Ganga Kings.

The Temple
The Temple is situated below the present ground level. The Temple is facing towards the east. It is a Kalingan order of temple having a rekha vimana & pidha jagamohana. The temple is a Pancharatha on plan and Panchangabada in elevation. The Temple courtyard can be reached by descending the steps. The dance hall (Natamandapa) and dining hall (Bhogamandapa) are located in this level.  

There is an ante chamber or hall before Jagamohana. It is about 2 feet below the courtyard level. This Hall is of later addition than the original temple structure. Bhogamandapa and Nata Mandapa were completed later. Jagamohana can be accessed from the ante chamber by descending few steps. Sanctum can be accessed by descending few steps down again.

The level is approximately around 15 meters from the ground level. Presiding Deity is called as Yamesvara / Jameswar. He is housed in the sanctum in the form of Lingam within a circular yonipitha. The vimana & jagamohana are square on plan and the Natamandapa and bhogamandapa are rectangular.

Jamesvara Mahadeva participates in the Chandana yatra festival of Lord Jagannath. On the day of Radhastami, the, deity Sudarsana from the Jagannatha temple visits Lord Yamesvara. This temple is also connected with Sagar Bije, Ashram Bije, Sital Sasthi, Champak Dwadasi, Sravana Purnima and Aswina Purnima of Lord Jagannath Temple. The festival of Yama Dwitiya (2nd day bright fortnight of the month of Kartika) is also observed in this temple with great devotion.
For brief details, please refer below link;

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