Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Markandeswar Temple, Puri – Legends

Markandeswar Temple, Puri – Legends
This Temple is one of the earliest Shaiva shrines located in Puri. It is believed that the great sage Markandeya is the founder of the shrine. As per Narasingha Purana, Sage Markandeya was the son of Mirukandu and Manaswini. Mirukandu did not have sons for a long time. So, he performed penance for several years to please Lord Shiva to get a son. Lord Shiva granted a son who would live up to sixteen years. Markandeya was well versed with all the Shastras. He was liked by all, but his parents were sad knowing his fate.
The secret of the short span of his life was hidden from him. As he was nearing 16 years, his parents were unable to control their grief and said to him about his fate. On hearing his fate, Markandeya started performing penance. When the day of his death came, Markandeya sat before Linga and was in deep meditation. The messengers of Yama, the God of death could not approach Markandeya because of his meditation. They were unable to take away the life of Markandeya.
Finally, Lord Yama himself came to fetch him. Sage Markandeya embraced the Linga and started crying for protection. Lord Yama threw his rope in a loop and it went circled around the Linga also. Angry Lord Shiva rose from the Linga and killed Lord Yama to save the child. From that day, Lord Shiva came to be called as Mrityunjay and Kalakala. Devas requested Lord Shiva to give back life to Yama again.
Lord Shiva gave on the condition that the young Markandeya would live forever. Thus, he made Markandeya to be of 16 years for ever. The Puranas state that after getting the blessing of Shiva, Markandeya lived for ten crores of years. This temple is supposed to be the place where the young Markandeya worshipped Lord Shiva in order to win over his destiny. It is the place where Lord Shiva fought with Yama and blessed Markandeya.
Four Ashrams:
There are four prominent Ashrams or hermitages in Puri connected with Puri Jagannath Temple rituals and Markandeya Ashram is one among them. The other three Ashrams are Bhrigu Ashram, Angira Ashram and Kandu Ashram.
Pancha Pandava Temples:
Jameswar Temple is one of the Pancha Pandava Temple of Puri. As per the legend, Pancha Pandavas (Yudhishthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva) during their exile visited Puri and stayed here for one day. They worshipped Lord Vishnu for the safety of their journey. As a symbol of their visit, five Shiva temples were built at Puri in memory of their stay at this holy place. These famous five Shiva temples are Lokanatha, Jameswara, KapalamochanaMarkandeswarar and Nilakanthesvara. Together, these temples are called as Pancha Pandava Temples. Yamesvara Temple is associated with Arjuna, one of the brother among the Pancha Pandavas.
Ashta Shambhus:
As per Skanda Purana Purusottama Mahatmya, Puri is called as Shankha Kshetra as it is conch shaped. Puri Jagannath Temple stands at the centre. lt is surrounded and protected by eight shrines called Ashta Shambhus. Markandeswar is one among them. The others are Kapalamochana, Kshetrapal, Yameshwar, lshaneswar, Bilweswar and Neelakantha.
As per Brahma purana, the sage Markandeya founded this Shaiva shrines in Vishnu Kshetra in order to close the rivalry between Shaivas and Vaishnavas. Sri Jagannath directed Sudarsana Chakra to dig a pond for Markandeya. That pond was named after Markandeya and became the Adya Tirtha among the Panchatirthas viz. Markandeya tank, Swetaganga, Rohini Kunda, Mahodadhi and Indradyumna tank.

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