Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Markandeswar Temple, Puri – The Temple

Markandeswar Temple, Puri – The Temple
The temple is located on the southern embankment of Markandesvara Tank. The Temple is facing towards east. The temple is located 5.50 metres below the present road level. The temple is Pancharatha on plan and has panchanga bada in elevation. The Temple has four parts such as Vimana (Main Temple), Jagamohana (Entrance Hall), Natamandapa (Dancing Hall) and Bhogamandapa (Offering Hall). The sanctum follows rekha deula type and jagamohana follows pidha deula type of Kalingan order.

The Vimana is square in plan. The Natamandapa and Bhogamandapa are of later construction. Both the bhogamandapa and Natamandapa have pidha roof. The temple has a square vimana and jagamohana stands on a lofty platform and both the Natamandapa and Bhogamandapa also stand on a shallow platform. Presiding Deity is called as Markandeswar. He is housed in the sanctum in the form of Shiva Lingam within a circular Yonipitha.

The Shiva Linga is in cracked condition due to sudden appearance of Siva from Linga to save his devotee Markandeya from Yama’s attack. The same incident has been depicted with a painting in one portion of inner wall. The other portion bears the picture of Sri Jagannath in his four shapes. ln the front side wall, the picture of Shiva in the stage of meditation is drawn in colours.

There are Parsvadevta images of Ganesh & Kartikeya in the outer parts of Vimana. The Jagamohana houses a small stone slab which contains the legendary images of Markandeya, Mrityunjay Shiva and Yama. There is a big wooden bull, the traditional mount of Markandeswar and Parvati, in the side of Nata Mandapa is kept being used on the occasion of their marriage ceremony. On the other side, the wooden Vimana is placed which is used in carrying the deity for participation in Chandana Yatra.

There is a small shrine for Goddess Parvati in the temple premises. The upper part of the inner wall of the Parvathi temple is depicted with Dasamahavidya (Kali, Tara, Sodashi, Bhubaneswari, Bhairavi, Chinnamasta, Dhumavati, Bagala, Matangi, Kamala or Raj Rajeswari). There is a Kitchen or Rosaighara and a well in front of the kitchen on the southern side of Jagamohana. There are two small shrines in the premises known as Pancha Pandava Shrine and Baidyanatha and Rameswar Shrines.

There is a shrine housing a rare image of cat - faced Hanuman or a Marjar Hanuman in the outside wall of the main temple. In Valmiki Ramayana, it is stated that Hanuman entered in Ravana’s harem to trace Sita in form of a cat. There is a platform called Gamha Vedi in front of the main gate way entrance. It is connected with festive occasion of Gamhapurnima and Balabhadra Janma.

A shrine for Sapta Matrikas can be found by the side of Gamha Vedi. This Shrine houses the seven idols representing Brahmi, Maheshwari, Kaumari, Vaishnavi, Varahi, Indrani and Chamunda. Each idol is about four feet high kept over a platform. These idols are flanked by idols of Ganesh and Virabhadra at each side. Each mother except Chamunda has her child in her lap. It is one of the important Shakta shrines of Odisha.

There is another shrine housing the idols of Jagannath, Balabhadra, Subhadra and other deities can be seen in the temple premises. There is the Kaliyadalan Mandap or Boitideula in front of Jagannath Shrine. Its upper part is designed as a boat which is a rare structure in Puri. It was built by Kirti Chandra, the King of Bardhaman in West Bengal in 1746 AD. There is a Dolamandapa by the side of Kaliyadalan Mandap. Dhableswar Shrine is situated is in front of Dolamandapa.

Markandeya Tank:
For brief details, please refer below link;

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