Saturday, January 11, 2020

Jagannath Temple, Puri – Sevayats

Jagannath Temple, Puri – Sevayats
The people who perform the ritual services at the Jagannath temple are called the Sevayats or servitors. These Sevayats acquire their position hereditarily. Records of 13th century A.D. and of the British period suggest that there were 36 categories of Sevayats. Within the last two centuries the number of categories have been increased from 36 to 250. The first sevayet of Lord Jagannath is Gajapati, the king of Puri. He as a sevayet is expected to perform certain duties and rituals on certain occasions. The major ritual is that he sweeps the three chariots of the lord with a golden broomstick.
Earlier the head of the Sevayats used to be the Rajaguru. Today Patjoshi Mohapatra is the head of all Servitors. He is entrusted with the functions of managing the pariccha. He ensures that the Servitors perform their duties properly and rites of temple are observed regularly. Bhitara-Chhu Mohapatra looks after the sanctity of the Bhog being offered to the deities and also to the cleanliness of the temple premises. Taluchha Mohapatra likewise looks after the cleanliness of the kitchen.
Mudirath performs all works of the King in latter's absence as his representative. The temple Purohit chants Vedic Mantras and performs Japas. Pujapandas performs the ritualistic Puja (worship). Puspalaks dress up the deities, smear sandal wood paste etc. Khuntias guard the sacred body of the deities. The Mekaps remain in charge of different store articles. Pratiharis keep guard over different strategic points. Suars cook the food offerings. Karans keep the accounts of all expenditure both cash and materials.
Bhitara Gaini Seva (service) is performed by the Debadasis who sing songs before the deities. The Daitas perform all duties during Snana Purnima and Ratha Yatra (Car Festival) and plays an important role during Nabakalebar, the ritual in connection with changing of wooden bodies of the deities. It is said that they are the decedents of the shabara chieftain Biswabasu, who was worshiping Jagannath before the Lord came to this temple and hence the Daitas are considered as close relatives of Jagannath.
Nearly 75 such Sevayats perform their functions daily and without any salary. They are only entitled to get a portion of the total bhoga or offerings. This portion is known as ‘Khei'. A few Sevayats also get cash rewards from the management. On special occasions like Rath Yatra, all the Sevayats are given cash rewards.

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